SI No Registrations / Licenses Details
1 Product Title Registered Exporter (REX)
2 Legal framework As per DGFT Public Notice (PN) No. 51/(2015-2020) and GSP Rules
3 Regulatory Body Administered by Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) in India And Monitored by European Commission.
4 Objective The Registered Exporter system (the REX system) is a system of certification of origin of goods based on a principle of self-certification. The origin of goods is declared by economic operators themselves by means of so-called statements on origin.
5 Categories/Types NA
6 Benefits/Obligation 1 To increase Beneficiary Developing Countries (BDCs) export earnings; 2. To promote Beneficiary Developing Countries (BDCs) industrialization; & 3. To accelerate Beneficiary Developing Countries (BDCs) rates of economic growth.
7 Applicability/Eligibility Applicable to all Exporters exporting goods to European Nations (EU)
8 Validity One-Time Certificate
9 Forms / Due Dates REX registration should be obtained before shipment and REX number should be mentioned on the invoice copy.
10 Amendments / Renewal / Surrender REX holder can change the details in the REX Certificate through DGFT
11 Government Fee No Govt Fee
12 Penalty for Non-Compliance / Other Provisions / Guidelines Not eligible for claiming benefits under this scheme
13 Guidelines / Other Provisions Post Registration Compliance: 1. The summary of the “statements on origin” to be filed with competent authorities on monthly basis
14 Checklist 1. Pre-Application 2. ANF-1 (Profile of Exporter) 3. Undertaking 4. IEC 5. RCMC 6. GST
15 Venn Timelines 7 – 10 Working Days
16 Any Other Information A REX number is 20 digit and Represents: First 2 digits : IN (IN denotes India) Next 3 digits : REX (denotes REX number) Next 10 digits : IEC (Importer Exporter Code) Next 2 digits : Alphabets assigned to local admn (like DG for DGFT) Next 3 digits : Number of the Local user (Ranges from 001 to 999)
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